We offer high-quality calibrations, DAkkS-accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025, in our unique Techmetrics calibration laboratory with lowest measurement uncertainties:
We calibrate all manufacturers and carry out extensive device checks on RH Systems and MBW devices free of charge!
We carry out adjustments on customer request.
Calibration at the ice point at 0.000 °C
and in liquid baths by comparison with reference thermometers,
We calibrate all manufacturers and carry out extensive device checks on RH Systems and MBW devices free of charge!
We carry out adjustments on customer request.
We calibrate all manufacturers and carry out extensive device checks on RH Systems and MBW devices free of charge!
We carry out adjustments on customer request
Outside of our accreditation, we offer factory calibrations of other measurands:
Pressure in the range 0 to 10 bar (Gauge and Absolute)
We calibrate all manufacturers!
We carry out adjustments on customer request.
Inspection and calibration of 973-SF6 analyzers
Calibration scopes:
-measuring head pressure
-inlet pressure
-internal tank pressure
-frost/dew point temperature
-SF6 (sulphur hexafluoride)
-SO2 (sulphur dioxide), if option available